Shared physical custody of children of divorced couples in Maryland and the metro Washington, D.C. area has been the norm in the 21st century as most parents want to remain involved in their children's lives. Yet, is shared physical custody in their children's best...
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Child Custody
Having a successful co-parenting relationship in Washington, D.C.
Co-parenting can be a difficult process, but it is often the best option for children. If you are considering co-parenting, it's important to understand the benefits and challenges that come with it and how to ensure your children are taken care of and have a healthy...
Considering a non-traditional co-parenting custody schedule
Parents in Maryland and the D.C. area who are no longer together should create the best co-parenting schedule for their kids. Some experts advise skipping the alternating weeks plan for something else. Why is the 50/50 plan not the best? The alternating weeks child...
Reaching agreements with a narcissist as the other parent
After ending a relationship with a narcissist in Maryland, you might still need to interact due to having children together. Here are a few tips to keep in mind so that the process can be carried out smoothly for everyone involved. Legal plan When you're trying to...
Custody and visitation: What you need to know
Now that your divorce is final or nearly final, you may have realized that you haven't come up with a child custody plan. Understandably, there are a lot of other things on your mind, but you'll need to come up with a schedule to ensure your children are cared for. If...
Why loyalty traps are problematic in co-parenting
A child of a Maryland divorced couple may assume one of several loyalty trap roles of their own volition or they may be placed in that situation without even realizing it. The bottom line is that loyalty is required of a child from one or both parents, and it's clear...
What are common reasons to get child custody modifications?
Divorce gets complex when there are children involved. Child custody is a common issue in Rockville, Maryland, and the Washington D.C metro area. Parents can request a child custody modification with the court for many reasons. Why parents need a modification Child...
How do you go through a divorce with adopted children?
A divorce is often difficult for the entire family. Whether you have biological or adopted children in Maryland or the D.C. area, it’s no different. You should know how to handle going through your divorce when you have adopted children. You and your ex maintain your...
A parenting plan can work for everyone
Divorced parents in Maryland and the Washington, D.C., area will need to work together to create a parenting plan. While some plans are very simple and focus only on parenting time, more detailed ones that anticipate areas of possible conflict can be very helpful in...
Reasons 50-50 split custody doesn’t always work
There are many different ways for divorced parents in Maryland to arrange a shared parenting plan. Many parents agree to a 50-50 custody split because it allows them to spend equal time with their children. However, a 50-50 split is not always in a child's best...