When there is a family law case in Maryland, there might be a natural belief that it involves parents who disagree about every issue and are in constant dispute. This is particularly true with emotionally-charged factors like child custody. However, many couples are...
Relentless Representation For Your Family Law Challenges
Child Custody
Relocation notice and petitions in Maryland
If parents divorce and have a child custody agreement in place, they may not know what will happen if one of them wants to relocate with the children. In Maryland, there are requirements parents should be aware of. Notice In any custody or visitation proceeding, the...
Understanding how child custody is decided in Maryland divorces
If you and your spouse are parents, child custody may be a strong point of contention in your divorce. You two may have differing opinions on parenting matters, and you may disagree about what an ideal custody arrangement looks like. Yet, if you are having difficulty...
Relocating with a child
As is the case with parents across the country, a mom or dad in Maryland may find that he or she has to relocate. There are many good reasons for doing so. For example, a parent may receive a good job opportunity that will require a move, or an extended family member...