If you're getting a divorce in Maryland, there can be a lot of things at stake. Some people earn an income by owning multiple properties and worry about having to split those properties in a divorce. Fortunately, there are ways you can protect yourself as a real...
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Common errors during a gray divorce and what to do about them
With the number of divorces for people over 50 increasing, some older residents in the Washington, D.C., and Maryland areas might be facing the end of their marriages. A so-called "gray divorce" has some particularities because people are older and closer to...
Absolute vs. limited divorce
In the state of Maryland, there are two types of divorce: absolute and limited. An absolute divorce ends your marriage legally and settles all property and custody issues. Once the absolute divorce has been finalized, both you and your ex-spouse are legally permitted...
The postnuptial agreement is gaining in popularity
Today, everyone in Maryland has heard of a prenup. They probably even know someone who has one. But the postnuptial agreement is a newer phenomenon. This is an agreement signed following a marriage ceremony. Like a prenup, it outlines things like the division of...
More Americans are getting divorced after decades of marriage
Many of our readers in Maryland have probably seen news reports about the rise in the rate of divorce among older Americans. This statistical trend has given rise to a new term in the legal lexicon: “gray” divorce. This term typically refers to divorce cases that...
What can couples do to help avoid divorce later?
Thinking about marriage and divorce prior to a marriage may seem odd, especially when a couple has not spoken about marriage. However, having a conversation about marriage and life can be key to helping couples avoid divorce later in life. The non-marriage...
What is a limited divorce and why would I want one?
Maryland does not have a process called legal separation. While a couple may well separate from each other, the only way legally to end a marriage in Maryland is a divorce. However, Maryland does recognize two different types of divorce. An absolute divorce, which may...
5 challenges couples face in a high-asset divorce
Many times in life, people think that if they have more money, they can live an easier, happier life. They can afford a luxury home, a fancy car and some deluxe vacations. That all sounds nice, but at times, having more money leads to having more problems. That’s...
How does one navigate dating after a Gray Divorce?
During these unprecedented times, it seems that every week brings the news of a new celebrity divorce. And, last week was no different as the news of Bill and Melinda Gates impending divorce was announced. However, what this “gray divorce” did that none of the other...
Minimizing the potential impact of divorce on your business
There's no guarantee that a marriage will stand the test of time. If you are a Maryland business owner and preparing for a divorce, it's understandable to wonder what will happen to your company. The impact can vary based on a few factors. Relationships with employees...