Experienced Divorce Lawyer in Rockville, MD

Handling The Complexities Of Military Divorce

Every divorce has individual considerations that must be made due to the unique circumstances of the spouses involved. However, there are several distinct and complex issues involved when one or both spouses are members of the U.S. military.

At Hecht & Associates, LLC, in Rockville, Maryland, our attorneys understand the complexities involved in issues such as:

When one or more spouse is serving active duty, divorce laws require that the divorce may be delayed or postponed until that tour of duty is complete. This prevents the divorce from proceeding without the acknowledgment of the party who is serving an active tour of duty.

Other considerations that must be made during a military divorce include:

  • Military pension
  • Health care benefits
  • The civilian spouse’s ability or inability to support themselves

While a military divorce may be more complex than a traditional divorce, it is still possible to dissolve the marriage. Our team of attorneys is experienced with military divorce law and can advocate for you during the military divorce process.

Contact Our Offices To Discuss Your Specific Military Divorce Case

From offices in Rockville, Hecht & Associates represents military personnel in divorce throughout Maryland and the Washington, D.C., metro area. Call us at 301-861-4797 or contact us by email to arrange a consultation