Experienced Divorce Lawyer in Rockville, MD

Is Domestic Violence Part Of Your Family Law Matter?

If you are in a relationship in Maryland or the District of Columbia in which physical or emotional domestic violence or a false allegation of abuse has become an issue, call Hecht & Associates, LLC, in Rockville for the legal protections you are entitled to.

We are a team of experienced family law attorneys with years of experience representing people through challenging times of divorce and domestic disputes.

Services For Victims Of Domestic Violence

Get legal protection if you are you facing the reality or the possibility of domestic abuse such as:

  • First-, second- or third-degree assault
  • Stalking or harassment
  • Verbal threats
  • Revenge pornography

Services For Those Who Face Accusations Of Domestic Violence

We won’t let false accusations destroy your property division rights or parenting interests in custody matters. Falsely accusing a spouse of domestic violence or child abuse is a common tactic in divorce, particularly when there is a high-conflict custody dispute.

We use our experience to review the facts of the case, investigate the intent behind the accusation and work hard to protect your name and reputation. If you have been falsely accused or think your spouse or the other parent of your child(ren) may use the tactic against you, talk to us right away. False accusations may be considered a criminal offense.

Contact Us Right Away

There is no excuse for domestic abuse. If you are facing threats or have been accused of domestic abuse in Maryland and the Washington, D.C., Superior Court, get the legal protection you are entitled to.

Call us 301-861-4797 or send an email requesting a time to discuss your situation with one of our attorneys right away.